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דופק 2
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Mild Heat 


Sensory Characteristic: A pulse reflecting heat is active, rapid, and yang but also sharp and concentrated. The more heat reflected by the pulse, the greater its movement, rapidity, and power, as well as its concentration and sharpness. 

In the Illustration: Horizontal stripes represent rapid upward movement. Ellipses represent pulse concentration and sharpness.  


Associated Images: Skipping, jumping on a trampoline.


Emotional Association: Unease, anger, discomfort.


In the Clinic: This is an extremely common condition in children. It appears at the beginning of illnesses and in a variety of other conditions related to stress and mild imbalance.  

אצבע אנגלית.png


Sensory Characteristic: The feeling of something active, defiant, and small. The feeling of something penetrating, harmful, foreign and destructive, and burning, like the tongue’s feeling when we taste something sharp or spicy.


Associated Images: A campfire, a scream, a bubbling pot.


Emotional Association: Anger, Scourge. 


In the Clinic: The most common type of heat is heat in the LIV, which in practice reflects the overall heat of the body. Balancing this qi should be a first priority, as it underlies most pathological conditions that are characteristic of children.


Heat in the KID is less common. However, when it is present, it is indicative of deep pathology, such as (for example) mononucleosis, which involves a virus’s penetration of deep layers of the body.  


When heat appears at multiple pulse positions, including the LIV and the KID, it is most likely indicative of immune system activity. The patient may also have a temperature, which is also reflective of immune system activity. Such a pulse is sometimes felt prior to other symptoms of an illness.    

דופק 3
אצבע אנגלית.png


Sensory Characteristic: The feeling of something that is small and concentrated and very active, like an electric pulse or the tickling of the tongue when it touches the terminals of a battery; or the sensation of being burnt by a spark from a campfire; something extremely concentrated and active.  


Associated Images: A bee sting, a burn, a fly buzzing near one’s face. 


Emotional Association:Anger, being yelled at, crying.   


In the Clinic:Uncommon and appears almost only at the LIV pulse position. It requires immediate balancing using diffusion technique. 


Comparison between mild heat, heat and fire:

the hotter the pulse, the more concentrated and active it is





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Mild Heat

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